Re-Tooling … Medical Scribes

MDS of Kansas, Uncategorized

Written by

Donella Aubuchon

Are you thinking about bridging a career?  Are you concerned about where healthcare is going in terms of the electronic medical record?  There are so many questions, concerns and still unknowns in this industry, but one thing is sure:  There ARE job opportunities in healthcare.    

While there are still job opportunities in medical transcription, there are unknowns and plenty of competition.  However, there are implications that ICD-10 will create more demand for transcription because of documentation requirements.   Even if you are just not sure what you are doing and you are riding out the storm with medical transcription, or healthcare documentation specialists, getting your credentials could never be more important.  More education is NEVER a bad idea!  The time is right to RE-TOOL.  Why not add another dimension to your skill-set.

MEDICAL SCRIBES – we have classes starting in September with online delivery!  


See what The ACCIM has to say:

“Certified medical scribes are a key facet in solving today’s healthcare challenges, and employment dilemmas, utilizing effective model and solutions through real-time partnership with clinical documentation encounters.”  read more …